Membership Page

Memberships: general information, rates and payment options Donations Other Payments

Become a Member!

Annual membership runs from April to March and includes:

  • current issue of the Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society
  • special discounts on back issues of the Society’s publications and reprints
  • notification of the Society’s yearly lecture series and general meetings

The membership categories are:

$30 Individual and Institutional (Canada)

$20 Individual (Canada-student)

$35 Individual and Institutional (USA)

$40 Individual and Institutional (Overseas)

$20 Additional family member (membership but no journal)

Membership renewal or new memberships can be processed online through PayPal (link immediately below — payment can be made by credit card; a PayPal account is not required) or you can send a cheque in the mail by printing the membership form (link below) and sending with the cheque.

If paying for an institutional membership with a personal account (either by PayPal or by credit card), please send a message to the Membership Secretary after your payment is completed. Thank you!


If you prefer, you may mail in your registration and payment. Send us a cheque to our address along with a completed copy of the membership form (included with the Fall 2022 Programme Brochure) to:

The Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society

P.O. Box 2622

Halifax, NS    B3J 3P7


Sign up for our Mailing List

We invite you to subscribe to our mailing list (membership is not required, members please note you must subscribe yourself to the list); it is used primarily for notices about upcoming lectures and occasional communication:

To make an online contribution to the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, please click on the “Donate” button below (please enter “Donation” as the item description). Donations are eligible for a Canadian tax receipt. Thank you!

Other Payments
There may be situations arising where an amount owing (for example for back issues) has been confirmed by email with the Society’s Membership Secretary ( For this purpose please use the “Buy Now” button below. Enter the total agreed upon amount in the “Price per item” field, leaving the other fields at their defaults. Note that either a PayPal account or a credit card may be used for the transaction; this is also the case for the Membership and the Donate payment options above. Thank you!

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