Dr. Laurie Stanley-Blackwell, a graduate of Mount Allison University (B.A. Hons. with Distinction), Dalhousie University (M.A.) and Queen’s University (Ph.D.), has taught Canadian history at St. Francis Xavier University since 1989. She is the author of such works as Unclean! Unclean! Leprosy in New Brunswick, 1844-1880, The Well-Watered Garden: The Presbyterian Church in Cape Breton, 1798-1860, Historic Antigonish: Town and County, and Tokens of Grace: Cape Breton’s Open-Air Communion Tradition. She is currently researching the role of physical strength as a cultural marker among Nova Scotia’s Scots, and the significance of cemeteries in Eastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton as cultural landscapes and emblems of Scottish ethnicity.
Dr. Laurie Stanley-Blackwell
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