Catherine Cottreau-Robbins

CottreauRobbinsSmallKatie Cottreau-Robins is the Curator of Archaeology for the Nova Scotia Museum.  As Curator she works to steward an archaeological collection consisting of nearly half a million artifacts and representing every historic cultural group and time period in the province. Beyond the collection, her work focuses on collaborations and partnerships with institutions, departments and organizations seeking to manage, protect and study archaeological and heritage resources.  Katie works regularly with students at the undergraduate and graduate level. To enhance that work she recently joined Saint Mary’s Anthropology Department as an Adjunct Professor. Katie also has a research mandate at the Nova Scotia Museum.  As part of that mandate she graduated from Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program in October 2012. The presentation draws on her dissertation research.  As provincial archaeologist Katie has the opportunity to link to a wide range of heritage-related initiatives. Currently, she is part of the Editorial Board of MUSE, Canada’s national museum magazine and the Organizing Committee of the upcoming OMOHUNDRO Institute of Early American History and Culture Conference taking place here in Halifax this June.

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