Mike Parker

Mike Parker has been researching and writing about his native province of Nova Scotia and its people for thirty years. The best-selling author and historian is an experienced affiliate with various heritage interpretive mediums including past research associate status with the Nova Scotia Museum, educator with the Writers in Schools program, and guest speaker for organizations and agencies including the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Parks Canada and Halifax Regional School Board. He once operated a wilderness canoe tripping business guiding back country tours along traditional Mi’kmaw water routes. Mike has made numerous radio and television appearances and been consulted for documentaries. An oral historian, he interviewed scores of men and women whose memories and musings of lived events formed the basis for three of his books. Born and raised in Bear River, a village steeped in lumbering, ship building and guiding history, he is a graduate of Acadia University and a long-time resident of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

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