Robert Bérard

Robert Berard

Robert Nicholas Bérard has taught history at the University of King’s College, Mount Saint incent University, and Dalhousie University and is currently Director of Graduate Education Programs at Mount Saint Vincent University. A graduate of Antioch College (Ohio), he holds the M.A. and Ph.D. in history from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

He has published articles in History of Education, the Journal for Contemporary History, Studia Monastica, the Bulletin of Canadian Studies, Acadiensis, Canadian Catholic Historical Association’s Historical Studies, the British Journal of Educational Studies the Dalhousie Law Journal, the Collections of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Vitae Scholasticae, and the New Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, as well as several book chapters.

He has for some time been working on a biographical study of the Most Rev. John T. McNally, Archbishop of Halifax from 1937 to 1952. He is a former president and member of the Executive of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, co-editor of the Collections of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, and has presented several papers before the Society.

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